"Haus Sert, Lattingtown, New York, USA (1947–1950)"
A Home of One’s Own. Emigrierte Architekten und ihre Häuser 1920–1960. Émigré Architects and their Houses. 1920–1960, edited by Burcu Dogramaci and Andreas Schätzke, Edition Axel Menges, 2019, pp. 192–195
This case study analyses the house by the architect Lluís Sert, who emigrated to New York in 1939 and built his own home in Lattingtown on Long Island between 1947 and 1950. In 1947, together with the architect Paul Lester Wiener, Sert aquired a 19th century bulding in Lattingtown, where he added on the old west wing a new errected wing on the south. In the open living area Sert displayed ethnological artefacts and combined them with modern art, including Joan Miró or Alexander Calder together with an own plan of an urban project in North America. The nomadic life between three continents is also reflected in the architecture, design and interior of the first house of Lluís Sert.