Index of the METROMOD Archive
Drawing on METROMOD’s interdisciplinary research on six global arrival cities (Bombay, Buenos Aires, Istanbul, London, New York, Shanghai), this curated archive develops an interactive map of creative exiles between the 1900s and 1950s. Click here to start!
20th Century German Art
5th Avenue
A Hundred Years of Photography 1839–1939
A la Carta Magna y las cuatro regiones argentinas
Abbo, Jussuf
Agrupación de Intelectuales, Artistas, Periodistas y Escritores (AIAPE)
Aid to Russia
Air India
Alexinsky-Loukina, Tatiana
Alfred Heilbronn Botanical Garden
Allies inside Germany
American-British Art Center
Anand, Mulk Raj
Animal Language
Arte Madí Photomontage
Artemoff, Georges
Asia Seminar
Asociación Amigos del Arte
Association of Jewish Artists and Fine Art Lovers (ARTA)
Audivert, Pompeyo
Auerbach, Ellen
Barry, Iraida
Baumgartner’s Bombay
Becker, Nikolai
Beggar Bar
Belling, Rudolf
Berger, Otti
Bernhard, Ruth
Bertolt Brecht
Bhabha, Homi Jehangir
Bilinski, Roman
Black Star Agency
Black Star Publishing Company London
Bloch, David Ludwig
Bobritsky, Vladimir
Bombay Art Society
Bombay Talkies
Bormann, Emma
Breach Candy Club
Breitenbach, Josef
Brodovitch, Alexey
Bruno Taut House
Bucovich, Mario
Buenos Aires 1936. Visión fotográfica
Burckhardt, Rudy
Camera Features
Cao, José Maria
Caras y Caretas
Cem, Mehmet Cemil
Chale, Gertrudis
Chinatown U.S.A.
Christmas Exhibition of The Center for European Immigrant’s Art and Handicraft
Clark House
Coleman, Elizabeth
Coppola, Horacio
Curious Creatures
Das Andere Deutschland
De Silva, Minnette
Die Zeitung
Duchamp, Marcel
Eckert-Rifki Villa
Eguize, Boris
European Picture Service
Exhibition of German Jewish Artists’ Work: Painting – Sculpture – Architecture
Exhibition of prints by Käthe Kollwitz
Exhibition of Russian émigré artists at Taksim Military Barracks
Faber & Faber
Farewell Dinner for Walter Gropius
Feininger, Andreas
Feininger, T. Lux
Festive architecture for the 15th anniversary of the Turkish Republic
First Russian émigré artists in Istanbul exhibition
Fleischmann, Trude
Focus on Architecture and Sculpture
Fortuny Masagué, Francisco
Freie Deutsche Kultur
Freud, Anna
Fuchs, Traugott
Galería Pacifico’s murals
Gandhy, Kekoo Minochair
Geographers’ A to Z Clear and Up-to-Date Atlas to London and Suburbs
Gidal, Tim
Golders Green Crematorium
Gran, Emmanuel
Gregor, Carola
Gritchenko, Alexis
Haas, Willy
Hanover Gallery
Heartfield, John
Heinrich, Annemarie
Henle, Fritz
Hess, Lilo
Highlights of Art
HLAM – Society for Artists, Writers, Entertainers and Musicians
Holger, Hilde
Hubertus Court
Huxley, Julian
Iconic Photo of the Progressive Artists’ Group and Their Associates
Institute of Foreign Languages
Isaack, John L.
Ismailovitch, Dimitri
Ismet Inönü Heykeli
Isokon Company
Ivanoff, Wladimir
J.J. Augustin Incorporated Publisher
Jacobi, Lotte
Jacobi, Ruth
Jacoby, Hans
Jaspar, Thais
Jehangir Art Gallery
Jewish Relief Association Bombay
JJK Copy-Art
Joss, Lilly
Julien Levy Gallery
Kadulin, Vladimir
Kalmykoff, Nikolai
Kamath, Růžena
Kanzler, Jules
Kaufmann, Walter
Kichigin, Mikhail
Kluge, Nikolai
Konstantinopol’skiy Kommercheskiy Klub
Kornfeld, Kurt
Kosice, Gyula
Kosswig, Leonore
Kounin, Ivan
Kuznetzova, Vera
La Carpeta de los Diez
Landshoff, Hermann
Leco Photo Service
Leirens, Charles
Leischner, Margaret
Leitich, Ann Tizia
Les Russes sur le Bosphore
Lesser’s Boarding House
Lifshitz, Semion Markovich
Lighting for Photography. Means and Methods
Lindsay Drummond
Ludwig Meidner, Drawings 1920–1922 and 1935–49, Else Meidner, Paintings and Drawings 1935–1949
Lyceum Theatre
Manhattan Magic. A collection of eighty-five photographs
Marg. A Magazine of Architecture and Art
Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky and Wilhelm Schütte Apartment
Marlborough Fine Art
Mayer, Ernest
Mimarî Bilgisi
Model, Lisette
Modern Art Gallery
Modern Homes
Modernage Photographic Services Inc
Moholy-Nagy, László
Monkmeyer Photo Service
Moreau, Clément
My Life, My Stage
Nachman Acharya, Magda
Nash, Ernest
New Book Co.
New School for Social Research
New York
New York World’s Fair postcard View of the Constitution Mall looking toward statue of George Washington and Trylon and Perisphere
Nikanorova, Lydia
Norlyst Gallery
Ocampo, Victoria
Oceana Publications
Oelsner, Gustav
One Man exhibition and subsequent trial, Akbar Padamsee
Open Studio Evenings by Käthe and Walter Langhammer
Palfi, Marion
Pantheon Books
Park Hotel
Paulick, Richard
Pavelle Laboratories Inc.
Pera Palace Hotel
Peroff, Nikolai
Peterich, Gerda
Petras, Charles
Photo Willinger
Pictorial Bombay
Picture of Rudi von Leyden’ s Bust by Sadanand K. Bakre
PIX Publishing Inc.
Podgoursky, Victor
Ragıp Devres Villa
Rapho Guillemette
Read, Herbert
Reimann School, London
Release METROMOD archive
Roland, Browse & Delbanco
Rox, Henry
Russkiy v Konstantinopole/Le Russe à Constantinople
Saderman, Anatole
Safranski, Kurt
Sanders, Walter
Saraphanoff, Nikolai
Saretzki, Nikolai
Sassoon, Victor
Schaeffer, Ernst N.
Schapire, Rosa
Schieberth, Hermann
Schiff, Friedrich Hermann
Schimmel’s Wedding Film 1948
Schleger, Hans
Schlesinger, Emanuel
Schocken Books
Schwitters, Kurt
Self-Portrait with Camera and Mirror Sphere
Seoane, Luis
Service Photo Suppliers Inc.
Shanghai Life
Simon, Gerty
Skvirsky, Leonid
Smedley, Agnes
St. George’s Gallery
St. John’s University
Staudinger, Ruth
Stearns, Foster Waterman
Stein, Fred
Stern, Grete
Stone, Erika
Story, Ala
Studio Clemens Holzmeister
Studies in Hand-Reading
Studio Berko
Suschitzky, Wolf
Tata, Sam Bejan
Thames & Hudson
The Feldberg Art Collection. A Series of Three Exhibitions of European Artworks collected by the Feldberg Family
The Leydens: Sculpture, Paintings, Cartoons
“The Life of a Station.”
The Story of Art
The Street Markets of London
The Warburg Institute
Three Lions Inc.
Tietgens, Rolf
Tomiloff, Leonid
Tommy Apple and his Adventures in Banana-Land
Trotsky, Leon
Truppe 38
Tudor-Hart, Edith
Türk Sanatı. Başlangıcından Günümüze kadar
Türk Tarih Sergisi
Union of Russian Painters in Constantinople
Vasilieff, Nikolai
Victoria Ocampo’s House
Visual Pleasures from Everyday Things
Voice of China
von Leyden, Rudolf
Walsh, María Elena
Ward Road Gaol; Tilanqiao Prison
We make History
Weyhe Gallery
Wolff, Werner