"Fotografie als Mittler im Exil: Fotojournalismus bei Picture Post in London und Fototheorie und -praxis an der New School for Social Research in New York"
This paper deals with photography as a form of artistic expression that can be understood as a mediating medium in exile. In addition to image motifs that have a mediating and enlightening impetus, the medium was also used in photojournalistic practices and teaching, photographic techniques and knowledge from Europe conveyed at the same time as new concepts and photojournalistic approaches were designed in exile. With examples of the magazine Picture Post in London, where emigrés photographers such as Tim Gidal worked and the New School for Social Research in New York, where émigrés photographers, art directors, picture agents such as Lisette Model, Marion Palfi, Alexey Brodovitch, Kurt Safranszki or Tim Gidal worked and teached, the article investigates the intermedial and mediary functions of photography in exile.
The booklet deals with selected exiles who had to leave Germany and Austria during the National Socialist era and who managed to leave traces in their countries of refuge. The contributions deal, among other things, with the questions of what the individuals had “in their luggage,” whether there was an enrichment and modification of their approaches and ideas through the confrontation with the “foreign” and the new necessities, whether there is a public recognition and appreciation of their achievements, and whether they saw themselves as “bridge builders” between their countries of origin and the places of refuge.