The spring issue of “Fotogeschichte” has just been published. It was edited by Burcu Dogramaci and Helene Roth.

The issue, “Nomadic Camera. Photography, Migration and Exile”, deals with a very actual and contemporary topic. Photography is the diasporic medium par excellence. Inevitably, it crosses local, regional, national and global borders in (e)migration and thus becomes a transnational medium itself. METROMOD cities such as London and New York can also be found in individual articles in the magazine.
This photo can be seen in black and white on the cover and as a coloured version inside the new issue. It was taken in 1965 in Vienna by the photographer Hıdır Emir (born 1934). He had come to Vienna from Turkey as a “guest worker” in the early 1960s. In his photographs, which he sent to Turkey, he captured a happy life abroad. In the conversation that Burcu Dogramaci had with Mehmet Emir, the photographer’s son, the ambivalence of these pictures becomes clear. The informative conversation “From Vienna with love: Burcu Dogramaci and Mehmet Emir talking about the photographer Hıdır Emir” is just one of many excellent contributions to FOTOGESCHICHTE, issue 151, 2019. For more information click here:
Have a look and happy reading!