At the workshop Ekaterina Aygün gave a presentation on METROMOD project and its Istanbul part.

The international workshop was held online on 10 November 2021. It was convened by the We Refugees project and apart from Ekaterina Aygün’s presentation included presentations by the Refugees in Towns project (RIT) and the Istanbul-based GAR – Association for Migration Research. Participants discussed Istanbul as a city that has been and still is a metropolis of refuge and a hub of migration.
Moreover, writings by Burcu Dogramaci and Ekaterina Aygün on Istanbul as an urban microcosm of refuge were added to the digital We Refugees Archive on refugeedom, past and present.
The article by Burcu Dogramaci is available here: “Refugee Artists, Architects and Intellectuals Beyond Europe in the 1930s and 1940s: Experiences of Exile in Istanbul”.
The essay by Ekaterina Aygün is available here: “Russian-speaking emigré artists in Istanbul in the 1930s”.