Artist residency: jury selects candidates
On Friday 8.4.22 the jury of the Käte Hamburger Centre global dis:connect (gd:c) and METROMOD artistic residency met for the first time! After several hours of discussion, we are happy to have selected 4 candidates for the second round of applications. Many thanks to all who applied and participated!

Over the last few week we received many gripping public art proposals commemorating exiled artists, architects and intellectuals who fled Munich. Thank you so much everyone for your great applications! It was anything than easy to short-list candidates for the second round of the residency applications due to the high quality of the artistic proposals.
Special thanks also go to all the jury members who reviewed the applications with great expertise and from different perspectives.
In addition to members of the Käte Hamburger Centre global dis:connect and METROMOD, the jury includes the historian and board member of Forum Queeres Archiv München e.V. Albert Knoll, the emerging visual artist Kalas Liebfried, who also works in public space, the educational assistant Scherief Ukkeh from the young cultural project Köşk and the curator at the Munich City Museum and founder of the award-winning migrantenstadl project Tunay Önder.

We are very happy that we could win Albert, Kalas, Scherief and Tunay for our jury. They accompanied the first surveys on the relevance of remembering Exile as well as the Open Call. All of them are very familiar with Munich culture in their respective different fields.
In this way, they enriched the exchange about the applications, which lasted several hours.
Even though the number of highly qualified applications made it difficult: in the end, we were able to decide on four promising candidates for the residency in the voting.
More info coming soon!