ARTIST RESIDENCY: Performative monument sewing workshop
On May 14th 2023 Franziska Windolf and Mareike Schwarz organised a workshop in cooperation with the cultural associations Bellevue di Monaco, GOROD and JUNO. The goal was to sew a performative monument collectively.

Five women from the cultural centres reacted to the workshop announcement for the collaborative sewing of an performative textile monument. Olena Mytkov, Natalia Shynkarova, Viktoriia Ivasyshyna (all GOROD), Eliza Koleyan (JUNO) and Mariam Mongo (Bellevue Couture) have diverse migration backgrounds coming from Ukraine, Armenia and Democratic Republic of the Kongo.
Co-creation of the performative, textile monument
The wish was to share the authorship of the public artwork. This follows up on the participatory nature of the public artwork Munich Originals Revisited. It was the result of a multivoiced commissioning process in the context of Mareike Schwarz’s research within METROMOD. Now also the textile part of the monument is shaped by diverse creators.
Sewing for the “Memory Person”
The sewers were invited to express their wishes for their future life in Munich through their own textile creations. The plot was to sew freeform textile accessories that the “Memory Person” would wear when performing in public space. Franziska Windolfs artistic concept is to involve as many people as possible to create a collaborative public artwork on (post-)migration from and to Munich.
Thank you!
It was wonderful to see the different approaches and outcomes for the performative monument. The creativity and enthusiasm of all participants touched us deeply. All participants received an honorarium thanks to the funding of BBK Munich. We are grateful to the Munich-based networks of JUNO, Bellevue di Monaco, and GOROD Kulturzentrum, who shared the announcement in their networks. Our biggest thank goes to the participants Olena Mytkov, Natalia Shynkarova, Viktoriia Ivasyshyna (all GOROD), Eliza Koleyan (JUNO) and Mariam Mongo (Bellevue Couture). We also thank GOROD Kulturzentrum, Arnulfstrasse 197, Munich, who kindly offered us to use their sewing workshop.