Roundtable at German Center of Art History (DFK Paris)

Laura Karp Lugo took part at the final Roundtable of the workshop “Travelling art histories” organized by Thomas Kirchner and Lena Bader at the German Center of Art History on 12 October 2018. The Roundtable was integrated by Thierry Dufrêne (Université Paris Nanterre), Laura Karp Lugo (ERC METROMOD-LMU), and Anne Lafont (École des hautes études … Continued

Roundtable at the National Institute of Art History (Paris)

Laura Karp Lugo participated in the Roundtable that closed the conference “Actualité de l’art dans le monde : histoire et théorie de l’art des Amériques en France. Esquisse de généalogie” organized by Zahia Rahmani (INHA) and Annabela Tournon Zubieta (EHESS/CEHTA) on 6 October 2018 at the French National Institute of Art History located in Paris … Continued

Fieldwork in Buenos Aires

The IIAC Archive: An important institution for research in Buenos Aires. Last summer, I spent four weeks in Buenos Aires, the city in which I am focusing my research.