Public lecture at the annual conference of exile research “Vor Ort: Erinnerung, Exil, Migration” [At site: memory, exile, migration] on 03.09.2021.

The panel “Mapping/ Spatializing Sites” took place as a kick-off for a transnational and transdisciplinary discourse on the occasion of METROMOD’s second book “Urban Exile”.

The panel “Placemaking/ Belonging” took place as a kick-off for a transnational and transdisciplinary discourse on the occasion of METROMOD’s second book “Urban Exile”.

The panel “Sourcing Traces” took place as a kick-off for a transnational and transdisciplinary discourse on the occasion of METROMOD’s second book “Urban Exile”

METROMOD is pleased to foster a transdisciplinary and transnational discourse on the theory and methodology for researching exile, cities and modernities. As a kick-off for our upcoming second book “Urban Exile” we invited researchers and artists for an online panel in December 2020 and January 2021.

Two thoroughly productive and enjoyable days spent discussing the nexus of displacement, artistic production and urban environments with scholars from around the world.

Metromod’s first international conference!