On the second day of the conference Simin Patel of Bombaywalla Historical Works guided us on a walk through the history and sites of Bombay’s early hotels.

An intense day of discussions about communities, culture and the city of Bombay/Mumbai.

The first stop on our walk through the city was at one of Bombay’s earliest photo studios.

The posters are ready, the catering is organised, and the registrations keep coming. The Metromod team is looking forward to the conference at the Sir JJ College of Architecture tomorrow.

On Friday 13 December, METROMOD and the Sir JJ College of Architecture will convene a conference in Mumbai to discuss “Bombay’s Spaces of Sociability: Exile, Migration and Contact Zones”

Rachel Lee gave a presentation at “Spaces of Unnationalism,” a workshop convened by Farhan Karim and Duangfang Lu at Zentrum Moderne Orient, Berlin, on 7 and 8 November 2019.

Following the footsteps of the exiled artists Hilde Holger and Charles Petras to the Queen’s Group of Friends

Vienna > Bombay > London. An expressionist dancer’s route through exile.

A narrative of two contrasting hotels juxtaposed in Bombay emerges at the Tata Central Archives.

In March and April 2018, I spent four weeks in Mumbai doing archival work for my Metromod research project “Bombay Modern”. Similarly to many of the important places of the art scene I am…