On May 14th 2023 Franziska Windolf and Mareike Schwarz organised a workshop in cooperation with the cultural associations Bellevue di Monaco, GOROD and JUNO. The goal was to sew a performative monument collectively.

The diversity of cultures and people is in constant flux in Istanbul, just like the waters of the Bosporus. As the conclusion of the ERC-funded research project, the METROMOD team went on the trail of émigré artists in the largest metropolis of today’s Turkey.

This upcoming Monday (6.3.) the METROMOD Team is holding a workshop in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Zeynep Kuban (ITÜ) in Istanbul. Participants – including the METROMOD team – will present current work on the connection between displacements and urban research.

We are happy to announce that METROMOD will be part of the workshop of the blog „Stadtgeschichten“ next Friday, July 15th. The workshop will take place at the Historisches Seminar at the LMU Munich.

We are pleased to announce the following Call for Papers!
Location, dates: online; the workshop is postponed, new dates to be determined.
Deadline: 15 January 2022.

At the workshop Ekaterina Aygün gave a presentation on METROMOD project and its Istanbul part.

Rachel Lee gave a presentation at “Spaces of Unnationalism,” a workshop convened by Farhan Karim and Duangfang Lu at Zentrum Moderne Orient, Berlin, on 7 and 8 November 2019.

Today the professor of social anthropology (University of Regensburg) shared his methodological approaches with the Metromod group

Bombay’s Spaces of Sociability:
Exile, Migration and Contact Zones

International Conference of the ERC Research Project Relocating Modernism: Global Metropolises, Modern Art and Exile (METROMOD)

How to simplify a data model and make the inputing of data more efficient?

Rachel Lee was invited to take part in a PhD colloquium and a workshop at the Department of Architecture, University of Ghent.

Deadline: 15 April 2019
Place: Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte, Paris
Date: 4 July 2019

How do we approach the writing of transnational histories?

Lokalkolorit, artist colonies and exile?

Paris at the centre?

Building a data model with Pim and Geert of LAB1100

What should the METROMOD website show? Who are the potential users? What kind of data should be visualised?

An exploration of digital humanities tools