A keynote by Burcu Dogramaci on “Beyond boundaries: Migration as a challenge to art history” at the conference “Crossing Borders”, hosted by the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek in Copenhagen

Burcu Dogramaci spoke at the annual conference of the Society for Exile Research, 22-24 October 2020, entitled “Fährten. Mensch-Tier-Verhältnisse in Reflexionen des Exils” [Tracks. Human-Animal Relations in Reflections of Exile] which took place in Vienna (online).

Burcu Dogramaci gave a lecture at the conference Bilderatlas Mnemosyne, which took place on 25 and 26 September 2020 at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin.

On the second day of the conference Simin Patel of Bombaywalla Historical Works guided us on a walk through the history and sites of Bombay’s early hotels.

An intense day of discussions about communities, culture and the city of Bombay/Mumbai.

The posters are ready, the catering is organised, and the registrations keep coming. The Metromod team is looking forward to the conference at the Sir JJ College of Architecture tomorrow.

On Friday 13 December, METROMOD and the Sir JJ College of Architecture will convene a conference in Mumbai to discuss “Bombay’s Spaces of Sociability: Exile, Migration and Contact Zones”

Burcu Dogramaci gave a lecture at the conference “Innovation and Acculturation: The Émigré Art Historians and Britain” on 5-6 November 2019 at Queen Mary, University of London. The conference was organized by Hans Christian Hönes and Emilie Oleron Evans.

Bombay’s Spaces of Sociability:
Exile, Migration and Contact Zones

On the 3rd and 4th of July, METROMOD relocated to Paris for an international conference at the German Centre for Art History

International Conference of the ERC Research Project Relocating Modernism: Global Metropolises, Modern Art and Exile (METROMOD)

Burcu Dogramaci gave a lecture at the conference “Sites of Interchange : Modernism, Politics, and Culture in Britain and Germany, 1919-1951” on 2/3 November 2018 at the Courtauld Institute in London. The conference is organized by Robin Schuldenfrei and Lucy Wasensteiner.…

Helene Roth and Burcu Dogramaci will present on 13.10.2018 at the conference “Mediators between Cultures” at the Museum der Moderne in Salzburg.

Rachel Lee gave a lecture on “Digital Network Visualisation: Experiences with Gephi and Nodegoat”

Rachel Lee gave a talk on “Cosmopolitan Circulations in Bombay: Otto Koenigsberger, MARG and TIFR”
Burcu Dogramaci and Laura Karp Lugo were invited as moderators at the Haus der Kunst (Munich) on 7 July 2018.

Helene Roth gave a lecture at the conference “Photography as Contact Zones: Migration and Cultural Encounters in America” on the 20-22 June 2018 at the IADT in Dún Laoghaire. The conference was organized by Dr. Justin Carville (Historical and Theoretical Studies in Photography, IADT) and Dr. Sigrid Lien (professor in art history and photography studies, University of Bergen).

Laura Karp Lugo, Rachel Lee, and Helene Roth presented their research at the “Leave, Left, Left” conference at the Centre for Advanced Studies, LMU Munich on 20 April 2018

Burcu Dogramaci gives a keynote lecture at the conference “Cities on the Move: Turkey and Yugoslavia in the Interwar Period” (14.-16.9.2017) at the University of Basel.

At the Modernist Studies Association conference on 10 August 2017 in Amsterdam, Rachel Lee gave a presentation titled “Modernist Intersections: Otto Koenigsberger’s Exile in India”.